Friday, January 1, 2010

Good Bye 2009. Hello 2010.

December 31, 2009

Comings and Goings
Just a few thoughts about this last year. We have had some really bad news and some really great news. We have said goodbye to good friend, Mike Bonilla. Our hearts go out to Nancy. 
Oh Baby!!
Then the great news. My friend Myrl from Columbus, Ohio added another grandchild to her tribe. A little girl Emmalynn Katheren. Congrats!
Then there are my nieces. The oldest Jennifer is having twins. The youngest niece Mary is adopting three young children early next year, from Ukraine. This will put her family count up to six. Ok ladies you can stop making me a great Aunt anytime. So it looks like next year I will spend some time in Babies R Us.
Dan’s nephew, Sean has graduated from boot camp. He made it home for the holidays. He will be stationed in Guantanamo Bay, where he will guard the prisoners. Because he is in the Military Police, if they relocate the prisoners’ he will also be relocated with them. While I have mixed feelings about bringing these particular prisoners to the USA. We are however very grateful he will back on our soil and not shipped overseas. Dan’s other two nephews and one niece are doing great.

Dan and I have counted our blessings since moving to Nevada. However we truly miss all our friends in San Diego. We especially miss the Bocce club that we attended on Sunday or was it Monday? (I got a bit confused at the end.) I especially miss the cooking. It was fun sharing that experience with Anne. We sure served up some great meals on those old (now new) picnic tables.
Well it’s also been a year when some serious changes took place with our friends and relatives. Other friends have made some career changes, some by choice some by the economy. Others have moved to new homes and some have come full circle. It has been a very busy year.
Dan and I took it easy this holiday season. Laid low and worked on the house. We hope to be ready for company soon.
So as we say Ciao to 2009 we wish you all the best for the New Year.

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